Sponsor Benefits
USLawChina Website Traffic Statistics
Daily Browsers:1,800+ browsers
Total Members:8,500 members (Average 8 per day)
Daily Inquiries: approximately 20 inquiries
Monthly e-journals sent: 35,000 journals
Number of web pages: 67,000 + pages
Number of hits on these pages: 2,000,000 + hits
Webpages Advertised
1) News & Article
Articles provided by your firm would be posted under USLawChina’s “Recently Posted” column. The article would have a link which would be linked to the home page of your firm. A short description of your firm would also appear at the end of the article next to the link.
2) Immigration E-Bookstore
Electronic books are offered in the categories of the immigration, citizenship, marriage, wills, trust, and real estate. The content is written in Chinese and tailored to the needs of the Chinese community. There are currently 150 e-books listed and new books are added periodically. Your ads would be placed on the top left hand corner of the E-Book main page.
3) Law Firm Square
Firms are classified by specialty and geographic region (in both English and Chinese). Interested lawyer can contact us to be listed in our Law Firm Square section. Only a single immigration law firm would be featured in each county.
view: http://www.uslawchina.com/law/law03ym.asp?id=320&jf=f
4) Landing U.S.
This section includes articles of topics such as U.S. culture, politics, travel, education, medical, and insurance information giving new immigrants a heads up on various topics of interest. Your ad would be placed on the right hand side of Landing U.S.’ main page and in each of the subsequent links.
view main page: http://www.uslawchina.com/lvmeizixun-new.asp?anclass=13&nclass=52 view inner page: http://www.uslawchina.com/lvmeizixun2-new.asp?id=2411
5) Monthly Journal Overview
A monthly journal is published on an assortment of contemporary topics. Also, there are links to various useful areas the USLawChina website. Your ads could be place on the top left hand corner of the front page.
view main page:http://www.uslawchina.com/yk.asp
view main page:http://www.uslawchina.com/yk.asp
6) Legal Yellow Page
An online yellow page dedicate to the legal industry. Your firm’s listing would be included by joining this special promotion package.
7) Law Firm Square
Including who can apply, case procedures, filing materials, and FAQ, etc. Advertising opportunity on the top left hand corner of each case introduction.
view: http://www.uslawchina.com/spview2.asp?id=194
8) Immigration Related Services
  1. Translation & Notary
  2. Background Survey
  3. Will Drafting
  4. Prenuptial Agreement
Your ads would be rotated within each of the 25 feature services with prominent exposure on the top left hand corner.
Forum Promotion
Besides publishing on USLawChina’s website, we also publish lawyer articles on other well known professional forums on a monthly basis. Our publication ranks within the top two pages of major search engines including: google.cn, yahoo.cn, baidu, and cn.msn.com.
E-mail Promotion
USLawChina delivers news & articles monthly to a highly targeted database of Chinese law firms, immigration offices, and local businesses. With 250,000 qualified contacts in our e-mail database and counting, we have the most effective platform in e-mail marketing.
Service Overview
A team of marketers, translation professionals, and paralegals working for you:
  1. Articles written on your behalf on various contemporary topics and case precedents (English/Chinese)
  2. Articles written by your firm would be translated into Chinese (simplified/traditional)
  3. A web page introducing your firm, attorneys, practice areas, and books would be designed and included in our websites for potential clients to view
  4. All content designed for your firm would be optimized for best search results on all major search engines
  5. 250,000 qualified contacts of Chinese law firms, immigration offices, and local businesses making us the most effective platform for your e-mail campaign
  6. Articles and other promotional material would be translated, posted, and sent to other well-known Chinese legal websites and forums.
Special Promotional Package (limited to first 12 participants): USD$4,500/year
Contact Us